Hot didity blog

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Years - Scrappy Resolutions

What are your scrappy New Years resolutions?  We have spent several hours this past week discussing things like how we spend more time re-re-organizing our scrapbook supplies than scrapbooking, and feeling the need to purge our scrap-stash... only to make room for more!  And then there is the Gypsy, asking ourselves 'why did we buy this thing? was it only for the search option?', and wondering if we would ever use all those new Cricut cartridges we bought.  O'... and don't forget worrying about backing-up our back-up of photos.  Making more time to scrapbook was definitely on our personal resolutions lists, but we soon realized we needed to create another list named our 'scrappy resolutions' and wanted to share them with you.  Let us know what your scrappy resolutions are for 2011 and be entered in a random drawing to win a FREE crop for Feb. 19th.  We can't wait to read what made your list! 

1.   GET ORGANIZED... and stay organized!
2.   Purge... keep what I will use and consign the rest to make room for more!
3.   Master the Gypsy
4.   Journal on my layouts
5.   Make more time to scrapbook... the laundry can wait!
7.   Back up photos on a regular basis
8.   Take a photography class and REALLY learn how to use my camera
9.   Get Blog Savvy!
10. Introduce and USE one new Cricut cartridge a month

Contest ends Saturday 1/8/11.  Complete details about the contest can be found at


Anonymous said...

My Scrappy Resolutions Are as follows: 1. like you master my gypsy 2. convince myself that i dont not have to scrap all my photos 3. learn a new technique each month 4. find more time to scrapbook at home 5. try to only buy what i need.

Wendy said...

My scrappy resolutions are:
1)To tame the beast that is my crafting room, by making everything have a well labeled accessible place.
2)To quit buying things I don't need just because they are "cute".
3)To give or throw away the products I don't use or love.
4) To remember that just because I own a cricut does not mean I need to own all the cartridges too.

Kendall said...

My Scrappy Resolutions are:
1. Scrapbook no less than 2 layouts a month
2. Finish my Hawaii album
3. Finish my best friends Wedding Album
4. Go to more Scrap Again crops :-)My Mom and I are hoping to go a bunch more since we discovered your crops last year!
5. Purge - get rid of stuff that I have not used and have had for more than 2 years
6. Use my stuff :-) I won't use a sticker or paper cause it's too pretty or too cute but I am determined to get out of that mind set :-)

Happy New Year! Can't wait to start attending crops this year!!

Mandie said...

i was just typing a post about this year's goals! :D

LOVE the new blog & site, ladies! totally fab!

Cindy deRosier said...

Soon I will be accomplishing a goal I've had for a long time- attend my first CHA! I can't wait! Other resolutions:

1. Submit at least one LO a month for publication.
2. Clean out the scraproom and save only the items I know I will use.
3. Have a scrapbook garage sale.

Taraleigh Gray said...

Here is my goal: Keep taking pictures couple those photos with words. I want to continue documenting my family's mark on life. Happy 2011!!

Christy said...

1. Finish daughters New York Album
2. Make hubby a "The year I turned Fifty" album for Christmas
3. Purge my stash and try not to add to it.
4. Use everyone of my cricut cartridges at least once
5. Homemade B-day cards

MoLo said...

My scrapolutions are:
1. Actually USE my stuff
2. Organize once & for all & stay that way
3. Finish Australia (from 2000)
4. Learn all I can about all elements of the craft
5. Dial back my obsession with the craft!

Anonymous said...

1) Actually have time to scrap and attend crops!
2) Use my stuff and not buy new stuff-cause I have tons of stuff (yeah, this one will be tough to stick to)
3) Finish three scrap projects that I started early last year!

Lisa said...

My scrapylutions are:
1.Cut way back on scrapbook purchases and use my existing scrapbook supplies to create.
2. Do something creative everyday.
3. Post my creations on 365Project everyday.
4. Upload my designs to online galleries.
5. Continue to apply to design teams.

Kristi said...

1. Finish my last 3 photos to complete my 365 project for 2009. (yes you read that right)
2. Print out the rest of my 2010 photos.
3. Find time to scrap!

Scrap Again said...

Sorry for the delay... Winner is Lisa. E-mail us at to confirm your spot for the Feb. 19th crop. Until we... Scrap Again! ( generated results on 1/8/11)

Lisa said...

Woo Hoo, I won :)
See you next month!
~Lisa Geraty